Frequently Asked Questions

The who, what, and why of knowing your Ventilation requirments


  • Regular maintenance is crucial for the proper functioning and longevity of your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system. While specific recommendations can vary based on factors such as the type of system, manufacturer guidelines, and local climate conditions, a general guideline is to have your HVAC system serviced at least once a year. Ideally, it's best to schedule maintenance before the heating season or cooling season begins to ensure that your system is in good working condition when you need it most.

    Here are some general guidelines for HVAC maintenance:

    1. **Heating System (Fall/Winter):**

    - Schedule maintenance in the fall before the heating season starts.

    - Check and clean the furnace or heat pump.

    - Inspect and clean the burners.

    - Verify proper ignition and combustion.

    2. **Cooling System (Spring/Summer):**

    - Schedule maintenance in the spring before the cooling season starts.

    - Check and clean the air conditioner or heat pump.

    - Inspect and clean the evaporator and condenser coils.

    - Check refrigerant levels and adjust if necessary.

    - Inspect and clean the condensate drain.

    3. **Year-Round:**

    - Replace or clean air filters regularly (typically every 1-3 months, depending on the type of filter and usage).

    - Check thermostat settings and calibrate if needed.

    - Inspect ductwork for leaks or blockages.

    By scheduling regular HVAC maintenance, you can:

    - Improve energy efficiency and lower energy bills.

    - Extend the lifespan of your HVAC system.

    - Identify and address potential issues before they become major problems.

    - Ensure that your system operates safely.

    Remember that these are general recommendations, and it's always a good idea to follow the specific guidelines provided by your HVAC system's manufacturer. Additionally, if you notice any unusual noises, odors, or changes in performance, it's essential to contact a professional HVAC technician for prompt inspection and repairs.

  • The impact of duct cleaning on indoor air quality is important to maintaining a clean breathing space the effectiveness can vary depending on several factors. Here are some key points to consider:

    1. **Removal of Contaminants:**

    - Duct cleaning is intended to remove accumulated dust, debris, mold, and other contaminants from the HVAC system's ductwork.

    - If there is a significant buildup of pollutants in the ducts, cleaning may help reduce the presence of these particles circulating through the air.

    2. **Improvement for Certain Conditions:**

    - Duct cleaning may be more beneficial for individuals with specific health conditions, allergies, or respiratory issues that can be exacerbated by poor indoor air quality.

    - If there is visible mold growth in the ducts or if there has been a recent infestation of rodents or insects, cleaning may be more important.

    3. **Professional vs. DIY:**

    - Duct cleaning is typically more effective when performed by trained and qualified professionals using specialized equipment.

    - DIY duct cleaning attempts may not achieve the same level of thoroughness and may even cause damage to the ducts.

    5. **Regular Maintenance is Key:**

    - Regular HVAC system maintenance, including changing air filters, is essential for maintaining indoor air quality.

    - Proper maintenance can help prevent the accumulation of contaminants in the first place.

    In summary, while duct cleaning may have benefits in certain situations, maintaining a clean and well-functioning HVAC system through regular maintenance, using high-quality air filters, and addressing any issues promptly is generally more effective in ensuring good indoor air quality. If you have specific concerns, consulting with Ventech HVAC professionals can help determine the best course of action for your particular circumstances.

  • Whether a mini-split system will save you money depends on various factors, including your specific heating and cooling needs, the energy efficiency of the mini-split system, local climate conditions, and the cost of electricity. Howerver, in Newfoundland owners report seeing up to 30% in savings compared to other electric heating methods. Here are some considerations to help you assess the potential cost savings:

    1. **Energy Efficiency:**

    - Mini-split systems are known for their energy efficiency. They operate by transferring heat rather than generating it, making them more efficient than traditional heating and cooling systems.

    - Look for mini-split systems with high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ratings for cooling and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) ratings for heating.

    2. **Zoning and Control:**

    - Mini-split systems offer zoning capabilities, allowing you to control the temperature of individual rooms or zones. This can lead to energy savings by only conditioning the spaces that are in use.

    3. **Ductless Design:**

    - Mini-split systems are ductless, which eliminates energy losses associated with ductwork in traditional HVAC systems.

    - Ductless systems are generally more efficient in delivering conditioned air directly to the living space.

    4. **Local Climate:**

    - Mini-split systems are particularly effective in moderate climates. In extremely cold climates, you might need a system with a higher heating capacity or supplemental heating.

    - In very hot climates, the efficiency of mini-splits during cooling may still contribute to energy savings.

    5. **Installation Costs:**

    - The initial cost of purchasing and installing a mini-split system can be higher than some traditional HVAC systems. However, you may recover these costs over time through energy savings.

    6. **Maintenance Costs:**

    - Mini-split systems generally require less maintenance than traditional systems. Regular cleaning of filters is usually sufficient to maintain their efficiency. We recommend at least 1 yearly deep clean in the Newfoundland climate to reduce mold build up.

    7. **Incentives and Rebates:**

    - Check if there are any local incentives, rebates, or tax credits for installing energy-efficient heating and cooling systems. These can help offset the initial costs.

    8. **Size of the Space:**

    - Mini-split systems are suitable for heating and cooling individual rooms or small spaces. If you have a large home, you might need multiple units, which could affect the overall cost.

    To determine if a mini-split system will save you money, it's advisable to conduct a cost-benefit analysis based on your specific circumstances. Consider factors such as the system's efficiency, your energy usage patterns, and the costs associated with installation, maintenance, and operation. Consulting with Ventech HVAC professionals who can also provide valuable insights tailored to your situation.

  • Ventech is committed to providing comprehensive support to owners of new HVAC systems, ensuring they have the knowledge and resources to operate their systems optimally. Our team serves as a valuable resource, offering insights into the correct usage and setup of Ventech installed HVAC systems. Whether you're looking for guidance on adjusting ventilation rates, understanding humidity controls, or fine-tuning temperature settings, our team can cover a range of topics to address your specific needs.

  • Ventech takes pride in offering a carefully curated selection of premier mini-split brands, including Ameristar, Daikin, Fantech, RunTru, LG, and more, to meet your diverse heating and cooling needs. Our team serves as a valuable resource for understanding the unique features, benefits, and specifications of each recommended brand. Whether you prioritize energy efficiency, cutting-edge technology, or reliable performance, Ventech's mini-split lineup caters to a range of preferences.

  • Determining the right size (capacity) of a mini-split unit for your home is crucial to ensure optimal comfort and energy efficiency. Currently you can purchase units rated from 9K BTU up to 30K BTU -Contact us so we can help guide you on which system would work for you - these are some steps we take to help you determine the appropriate size:

    1. **Calculate Square Footage:**

    - Measure the square footage of the area you plan to cool or heat. This may be a single room, multiple rooms, or an open floor plan.

    2. **Consider Insulation and Climate:**

    - Take into account the insulation level of your home. Well-insulated homes may require less heating or cooling capacity.

    - Consider your local climate. Extremely hot or cold climates may require a larger capacity unit.

    3. **Use a Load Calculation:**

    - Perform a load calculation, also known as a Manual J calculation. This is a comprehensive method that takes into account various factors such as insulation, windows, doors, occupancy, and climate.

    - You can use online calculators or consult with an HVAC professional to perform a Manual J calculation for your specific needs.

    4. **Check Manufacturer Guidelines:**

    - Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines for the mini-split units you are considering. Manufacturers often provide sizing charts that match capacity to square footage.

    5. **Consider Zoning:**

    - If you plan to use the mini-split in multiple rooms or zones, consider a multi-zone system. This allows for different capacity units in different areas.

    6. **Factor in Other Heat Sources:**

    - If the space has additional heat sources (large windows, cooking appliances, etc.), you may need a larger capacity unit to compensate.

    7. **Consult with a Professional:**

    - If you're unsure about the size calculation, it's advisable to consult with our HVAC professionals. They can perform a detailed assessment of your home's needs and recommend the right-sized unit.

    Choosing the correct size ensures that the mini-split operates efficiently, maintains a consistent temperature, and doesn't experience unnecessary wear and tear. An undersized unit may struggle to meet the heating or cooling demands, while an oversized unit may short cycle, leading to inefficiency and discomfort.

    Remember that the information provided here is a general guide, and for accurate sizing, it's recommended to perform a comprehensive load calculation or seek professional assistance based on the specifics of your home.

  • The electrical requirements for a mini-split system installation can vary depending on the specific model and capacity of the unit you choose. Here are some general considerations to help you determine if you need to upgrade your electrical system:

    1. **Voltage and Amperage:**

    - Check the electrical specifications of the mini-split unit. Most mini-splits operate on either 115V or 230V, and the amperage requirement will vary based on the capacity of the unit.

    2. **Circuit Breaker Size:**

    - Ensure that your electrical panel has a circuit breaker of the appropriate size to accommodate the mini-split. The breaker size is typically specified in the unit's installation manual.

    3. **Existing Capacity:**

    - Evaluate the overall capacity of your electrical panel. If it is near its maximum capacity or if there are very few available circuits, you may need to upgrade your electrical panel to accommodate the additional load.

    4. **Professional Assessment:**

    - It's advisable to consult with a licensed electrician or HVAC professional to assess your electrical system's capacity and ensure it meets the requirements for the mini-split unit you intend to install.

    5. **Consideration for Multiple Units:**

    - If you plan to install multiple mini-split units or a multi-zone system, the cumulative electrical load should be taken into account. This may require additional circuits or a panel upgrade.

    6. **Local Codes and Regulations:**

    - Check local electrical codes and regulations to ensure compliance with any specific requirements for mini-split installations.

    In some cases, homeowners may find that their existing electrical system can accommodate the installation of a mini-split system without the need for upgrades. However, if your electrical system is outdated or near capacity, upgrading may be necessary to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the mini-split unit.

    It's crucial to involve professionals in the assessment and installation process to ensure compliance with safety standards and local codes. An electrician or HVAC professional can provide tailored advice based on the specific details of your home and the chosen mini-split unit.